Civil Lawsuits
Total – Climate Change
Contribution to climate change and alignment with the Paris Agreement’s objectives

Total – Uganda
Oil mega-project in Uganda, land expropriations and biodiversity risks

EDF – Mexico
Windpark project in Mexico and indigenous peoples’ rights

Yves Rocher – Turkey
Freedom to join a union and discriminations against women

Suez – Chile
Right to water in Chile

La Poste
Subcontracting and workers’ rights

Casino – Deforestation
Deforestation, indigenous’ rights abuses and forced labour in the beef supply chain in Brazil and Colombia

IDEMIA – Kenya
Biometric data capture technology in Kenya

Deplastify Now
Plastic pollution

BNP Paribas – Brazil
Financing deforestation in Brazil

BNP Paribas – Climate Change
Financing fossil fuels

Total – Yemen
Detention and torture at the Balhalf gas site

Total in Uganda – Act II
Population displacement and human rights abuses in connection with an oil megaproject